Rack Attack B3 vs. Sting
Team Name1st2nd3rdFinal
Rack Attack B3
Friday, February 26th at 09:10 PM in Braemar E

Sting Win in Wild Fashion

by JJ Glover on February 27th

As we get down to the last quarter of the season, playoff implications are getting high with each game. The Sting, a 2-game advantage over 5th place seemed like a 2-goal lead, dangerous. Meanwhile the Rack Attack had been on a tear, winning their last 3 and 5 of the last 7, including wins against the Zephyrs and league leading Lakers.

In the first period, they showed why. A shot-pass with a good finish opened the scoring for the Rack Attack. Right after that, a deflection in front on a high centering pass goes in and suddenly the game is 0-2.

But the Sting are used to these slow starts and the offense comes alive late in the first and into the second. Simon and Chrun continuously catch the Rack Attack defense flat footed and start a run of 5 unanswered goals for the Sting. By the end of the second, the score was 5-2.

The Rack Attack regroup at the break and get some revenge in the 3rd. Two break away goals catch the Sting defense off guard and suddenly we're back to 5-4. Later in the period, a screen shot hits the twine to tie the game at 5-5. Both goalies now want to hide.

Seemingly with the game headed to overtime, one last break by the Sting leads to the game winning goal with just 20 seconds left.

For the Rack Attack, this loss is a huge blow to their playoff chances and now need to rely on the Sled Dogs or Saints to not get any more points. In scratching out a win, the Sting maintain a 2 game advantage over the 5th place Zephyrs, who play Saturday against the league leading Lakers. The Sting next play on Wednesday against the Minnesota Warriors.