Lakers C1 vs. Bulldogs
Team Name1st2nd3rdFinal
Lakers C1
Sunday, November 4th at 09:15 PM in St. Louis Park E

Bulldogs get first win of the year!

by JJ Glover on November 10th
It took about a game for the Bulldogs to get in sync as a team, but the team was firing on all cylinders by the end of their game with the Lakers. It started out as another slow start for the Bulldogs. Two minutes into the game, R. Mueffelmann of the C1 Lakers fires a one-timer from the slot that beats JJ and fits just inside the post to make it 0-1 Lakers. But this would be the only lead for the Lakers for the game. R. Babcock responds for the Bulldogs 6 minutes later to bring the game back to 1-1. It could have been far worse had new goalie D. Prosen not been standing on his head for the 16 other shots he faced. In the second, the Bulldogs would put up two more as Sting recruits Jeren Anderson and Ed Soler would tack on goals of their own for the Bulldogs. The Lakers respond with a goal from K. Larson converting a backdoor chance down low to keep the game at 3-2 at the end of the second. In the third, the Bulldogs kept up the pressure. K. Gardner would add a goal to make it 4-2. A breakaway by Lakers M. Merry makes the game 4-3, but at this point it was all Bulldogs. S. Swanson scores to make it 5-3. R. Babcock scores another for his second of the game, and Ed Soler would score for his second as well for added insurance. The Bulldogs would outshoot the Lakers 17-9 in the closing frame and 45-31 in the game, a complete reversal of the Royals game the week before. For the next game, the Bulldogs head to Richfield on Sunday to take on the 2-0 Fighting Piranhas.